AIR Global Coaching
Passionate about inspiring others
AIR Global Coaching is a division of Air Global Executive Search founded by Houria Grana in 1990.
With 30 years of experience in the field of Human Resources, AIR Global Coaching offers you its skills and ability to support you online and inspire you to discover yourself and achieve your goals. Our Coaches are all trained and have the ICF certification.
You can count on the experience of our coaches who have accompanied employees, managers and directors since 2007 and who have acquired international and multicultural experience.
Our coaches also support individuals in their personal and professional lives. Recognized for their creativity and sense people, they know how to quickly find your strengths, identify the essentials and establish tangible steps in the achievement of your vision and your objectives.
You will particularly appreciate their talent for synthesis and their ability to make audacious challenges coexist with everyday needs.
How can we help you?
How do I organize my online coaching sessions?
You register, you choose your coach and your price plan then
You schedule an online session at the date and time that suits you.
How are the online coaching sessions going?
During your videoconference session, you connect to your
dashboard and connect with your Coach.
During the session, your Coach
Actively listens to you, gives you feedback and asks you the right questions
Helps you get to know yourself better
Help you in the process of change
Provides you with the support you need to achieve the objectives set
Teaches you the keys to communication
Awakens in you the potential to find solutions to problems on your own

!Engage Your online Coach
We support your transformation.
Do you have questions about your career?
Do you want to create more understanding and harmony in your relationship?
Want to gain self-confidence?
Do you need support in your choice of academic studies?
Boost and regain control of your thoughts
and emotions, gain vitality!
A personal coach is more than someone you can turn to for help or advice. This person is different from your parents, partner, or best friend. He is someone who endures over time, who listens to your ideas, will help you to talk about your deepest concerns and ultimately allow you to form your own opinion. What a personal coach really does is provide a sounding board.
Nos Formules
1 hr 40 min
80 euros1 hr 40 min
80 euros1 hr 40 min
80 euros1 hr 40 min
50 euros1 hr 40 min
120 euros1 hr 40 min
120 euros1 hr 40 min
120 euros

" Do not go where the path may lead.
Go where there is no way and
leave a mark »