AIR Global Coaching
You need coaching for your executives and employees?
We offer you to work with a professional coach who has business experience
and who has coached executives in SMEs as well as in international companies.
We work with them on taking charge of a new position, conflict management, team management and any other need that you have defined or that you want us to define with you.
We offer the formula with reservation per session or in the form of a subscription.
You did not find the answer in our business formulas?
Then, an online or face-to-face meeting is justified to define the specific need and to clarify the situation.
We are listening to you!

Develop the skills of your talents!
To ensure your development in a context of rapid business transformation, do you want to remain attentive and on the lookout for the needs and aspirations of all the talents in your company in order to develop them and retain them?
Coaching for taking up a position and developing performance, Leadership coaching helps you to strengthen the managerial practices of your managers through “tailor-made” programs.
We support the transformation of your executives