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The definition of professional coach

Photo du rédacteur: Houria GranaHouria Grana

The professional coach comes as an expert in three fundamental areas that are organizing coaching, team coaching and individual coaching.

In accordance with the ethical charter of coaching and the accompanying code of ethics, he accompanies individuals, teams, or organizations to define and achieve their respective objectives, develop, and sustain their potentials, and allow the emergence and the implementation of Place of action strategies for the success of their evolution and performance.

The profession of professional coach is a profession that puts into practice the proven scientific fundamentals of the human and social sciences. It uses the sociology of organizations, social psychology, the theoretical fields of management and more broadly to the sciences of individual and organizational behavior, through the expertise, analysis and implementation of operational tools and methodologies to promote and develop autonomy, accountability, and customer enforcement.

Example of professional coach intervention frameworks:

Strategic coaching or organization coaching: for management committees, executive committees, and leaders. Coaching focused on reorganizations, transitions and more generally the problems of change, innovation, performance, and construction of a strategic vision

Performance coaching: is like strategic coaching but specifically targets the optimization and evolution of competitiveness factors.

Intercultural Coaching: for teams in multicultural and international contexts and challenges. Coaching considering the socio and psychogenesis of organizations, centered on the convergence of representations, values, differences of methodological approach and differences in the logic and accession approach to the collective project

Development Coaching: Professional Development for Potential Hauts, Future Executive Officers, Higher Managers and Managers

Crisis coaching: (or test exit) for executive and executive committees, operational teams, managers and leaders. The scope of crisis coaching includes upstream risk management coaching.

Team Coaching: Intended for leadership teams, management committees, executive committees, commercial teams, and transversal teams. Coaching focused on process optimization, on the development of interactions and logics of cooperation, on the capacities of autonomy and learning, on collective intelligence, and the management of structural and organizational changes.

Coaching of governance and leaders: intended for leaders and governance. Coaching centered on leadership models, managerial models and attributes and manifestations of power and authority in organizations.

Coaching of identified problems: for managers and executives. Development of high potential, response to CSR stakes and women's equality / man ... Coaching centered on HR, relational, cohesion, accession, management strategics.

The Ethics Charter of the Coaching Ethics Committee to which we adhere

We recognize as a reference the ethical charter of the Coaching Ethics Committee. Replacing ethical principles at the heart of this profession by ethical articulating and ethics is a moral obligation, a responsibility that interests each member of the professional community and authorizes it freely and awareness of these subjects. In the field of ethics, if the professional community did not assume its responsibilities, the protection of the title cannot be sustainably justified.

The ethical / ethical articulation is an issue for the future of coaching.

1. Respect for human rights

The coach refers its exercise to the principles enacted by national, European and international legislation on respect for the fundamental rights of persons, especially their dignity, freedom and protection.

It attaches to respect the autonomy of others and in particular its possibilities of information, its freedom of judgment and decision. It only intervenes with the free and informed consent of the clients concerned. Conversely, any person or organization must be able to contact and freely to a coach.

The coach preserves the privacy of people by guaranteeing the confidentiality of exchanges and information collected, including colleagues. He respects the fundamental principle that no one is required to reveal anything about himself.

2. Protection of organizations

The coach is attentive to the trades, uses, culture, context, and constraints of the organization for which he works. Its "political externality" is the basis and the condition of its intervention.

Thus, the coach cannot allow to take part in or participate in a conflict or struggles of influence. In the same way it is intended to give unsolicited notices, to intervene beyond the strict framework of the coaching that the application is explicit or implicit on the part of the client, to cut himself as a spokesman of This one or to replace a member of the organization whatever. The coach adopts a neutral and equidistance posture vis-à-vis all the actors of the client system.

It preserves by guaranteeing the confidentiality of information brought to its knowledge, the safety of the strategic assets of the organizations.

The coach must ensure the explicit usefulness of his mission for and in the organization.

3. Competence

The coach holds his skills:

- a recognized continuing education and opening a state diploma or professional certification on the ICF,

- the regular update of his knowledge,

- regularly enriched and updated operational skills,

- its ability to operate an operational transposition of its knowledge towards the implementation and / or design of methods of accompanying methods and tools,

- a training to discern its personal involvement in the understanding of others and the mechanisms that govern interactions in organizations ...

Each coach is guarantor of his level of qualification. It allows themselves to practice its coaching profession from its training, its professional certification recognized and registered with the ICF at the highest level or diploma of State, which attest to the acquisition of the skills specific to the exercise of this profession.

It defines its own limits, given its training and experience. He refuses any intervention when he knows not to have the required skills. It hires a reflexive work on its level of exercise and the validity of its technical knowledge. It is committed to a supervisory process and uses a supervisor when the situation requires it.

Whatever the context of its intervention and the possible pressures suffered, it is cautious, measure, discernment, impartiality, and responsibility.

4. Responsibility

In addition to the responsibilities defined by the Joint Act, the Coach has a professional responsibility. It attaches that its interventions respect the principles of this Charter. As part of its professional skills, the coach decides on the choice and application of accompanying methods and techniques implemented; Whether they fall under methods and techniques specifically designed by it or pre-existing and available. It responds personally of its choices and direct consequences of its professional actions and opinions to its customers.

It can fulfill different missions and functions: it is its responsibility to distinguish them and to distinguish them.

Before any intervention, the coach ensures the free and informed consent of those who consult it or who participate in a coaching process. It therefore has the obligation to inform them in a clear and intelligible manner of the objectives, modalities, and limits of its intervention.

5. Integrity and probity

The coach has a duty of probity in all his professional relations. This duty is based on respect for the ethical principles of coaching and the observance of ethical rules that would result from it, as well as its continued effort to refine its interventions, specify its methods and define its goals.

The coach is obliged to not exploit a professional relationship for personal, religious, sectarian, political purposes, or for any other ideological interest.

Conscious of its position: the coach is interfering with any abuse of influence.

6. Scientific quality

The modes of intervention chosen by the coach must be able to be the subject of a reasoned explanation of their theoretical foundations and their construction. Any evaluation or results must be able to be the subject of a contradictory debate of professionals between them.

7. Respect for the assigned goal

The methodological devices put in place by the coach as part of its support of individuals, teams or organizations, meet the reasons for its interventions, and to them only in compliance with the customer's request.

While building his intervention in respect of the assigned goal, the coach must nevertheless take into consideration the possible uses that may possibly be made by third parties.



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